RV rally at Fairmont Hot Springs

This September, RVwest and Rec-Vee Holiday Adventures are teaming up for the 10th Annual RV Rally at Fairmont Hot Springs. The hosts of the event are Rec-Vee’s Duane and Lynda Pilson, long-time RVers and contributors to RVwest magazine, along with RVwest publisher Keith Powell and his wife Linda.
In past years the event has been filled with a busy schedule of many activities, but this year things will be a little different. The rally will still include a pancake breakfast, silent auction for STARS, various seminars, and more—but the big hope for the 10th anniversary celebration is to renew old friendships and make new ones, with more relaxation and socializing.
The rally takes place from September 12 to 15. The 33 available sites are being filled on a first-come-first-serve basis, so you’d best hurry up and register. To reserve your spot at the event, fill out the registration form and mail it to Duane and Lynda, along with a cheque for the registration fee.
For those early birds that want to get settled in ahead of time, the parking fee is $55 plus tax—also a great option if you want to stick around for a little longer at the end of the trip. All sites are fully equipped with cable TV, 50-amp power, water and sewer, and must be reserved directly with Fairmont Hot Springs Campground (250-345-6033). Be sure to let them know that you’re attending the rally for stall scheduling purposes.
If you have any further questions or concerns about the event, be sure to contact Duane or Lynda at 403-870-0715 or 1-877-773-2833, or email Keith at [email protected].
Fast facts:
Date: September 12-15, 2014
Where: Fairmont Hot Springs, B.C.
Cost per unit: $466 for couples, tax included; $399 for singles, tax included. Early bird parking is $55 plus tax for those who want to come early or leave late.
Site info: All sites have cable TV, 50-amp power, water and sewer