Contact RVwest

Before you ask your question using the form below, here are a few things that you may be looking for:

  • Would you like to send us a story idea? You should visit our RVwest submit page and see what stories we are looking for.
  • Would you like to sign up for the RVwest email newsletter? You can do that on our RVwest subscribe page.
  • Have you spotted an error? We love when our eagle-eyed readers help to keep us on our toes. If you can copy the URL (website page) and paste it into the detail section on the form below, that will help us find and fix any problems you point out. But don’t worry if that is too difficult; we will do our best to address any errors based on any details you can provide.
  • Would you like to advertise on RVwest? We can help you share your brand story with our readers. Please provide your company name in the form below along with the main message or story you would like to promote.
  • Would you like to follow us on our RVwest social media sites? You can find Rvwest on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.


Where is RVwest located?

Our office is nestled in the Rocky Mountain community of Cranbrook, British Columbia. 

RVwest address:

Suite 100, 100 - 7th Avenue South

Cranbrook, British Columbia V1C 2J4 


Phone: 250.426.7253

Toll-free: 1.800.663.8555


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