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Our address

Suite 100, 100 - 7th Avenue South
Cranbrook, British Columbia V1C 2J4, Canada
Phone: 250.426.7253
Toll free: 1.800.663.8555
Fax: 250.426.4125

Advertising inquiries

The advertising department is responsible for all magazine and online advertising packages.

Advertising manager: Amie Lubbers

Subscription inquiries

For all subscription queries, including change of address for RVwest magazine or the eNewsletter, contact our distribution department.

Subscription inquiries: Jeanette Perry

Editorial inquiries

Feel free to submit a story idea or comment on an article you have read in RVwest magazine or online.

Assigning editor: Kerry Shellborn

General inquiries

Publisher: Keith Powell

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United States

The USA offers so many memorable places to see, that you’ll never run out of new camping destinations. RVing in the USA is perhaps the most popular way to experience what this country has to offer. You will be astounded by the high-quality campgrounds, attractions for all ages, outdoor splendour and other key points of interest along the way.
