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CRVA appoints Shane Devenish as executive director

Photo new CRVA executive director Shane Devenish
Shane Devenish has been appointed as the Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association's new executive director.

Shane Devenish was formerly vice-president, national relationship manager for North America at TCF Inventory Finance Inc. Bringing over 25 years of industry experience, Devenish has worked closely with both RV manufacturers and dealers throughout his financial career at TCF, Textron Financial and GE Commercial Distribution Finance. He has also served on the Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association's (CRVA) board for a number of years, most recently in the role of vice-president.

“The CRVA is delighted to have Shane join our team in the role of executive director,” said Roger Faulkner, current president of the CRVA. “With Shane’s help, CRVA will be positioned to move forward in a totally new direction. We will be asking Shane to work closely with Chris Mahony, Go RVing Canada; Eleonore Hamm, president of the Recreational Vehicles Dealers Association of Canada (CRVDA); and with Maryse Catellier from CCRVC (Canadian Campground Recreational Vehicle Council). We are confident that Shane’s past relationships within the RV Industry will bring a talented range of innovative and fresh new ideas to the table.”

“I am extremely excited to take on my new role at the CRVA,” said Devenish. ”The CRVA has been a tradition in the Canadian RV Industry for over 40 years and I am humbled and honoured to have been given this opportunity. I look forward to working with my industry peers to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.”

Source: CRVA press release

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