RV Meanderings

Pinnacles of sandstone

Sandstone structures make Bryce Canyon a must-see


Today was the day to take a tour of Bryce Canyon. What different scenery compared to Zion National Park—but each park is very unique in its own glory. Zion has towering cliffs of multicoloured red rock while Bryce Canyon is filled with deep carved pinnacles of red and white sandstone that are best viewed from the top. Throughout the 18 miles of canyon road there are 15 viewpoints. This might not seem like a large number but the trip can take over five hours to properly check out each stop.

As you move along any of the numerous trails, the scenery constantly changes. The towering pinnacles of red sandstone, capped with dolomite rocks, each make their own shape and colour. At several of the viewpoints you can hike down to the valley floor, anywhere from 300 to 600 feet below. There are over 50 miles of hiking trails in the park that offer close encounters with the hoodoos. From the bottom the pinnacles again look different. Looking up at the columns you get a sense of just how high they tower above you and how small you really are in comparison.

The hike back up is always a chore, but with each rest stop you can see a different view of the surrounding cliffs. The words spectacular and breathtaking simply do not adequately describe the beauty of this canyon. As we travelled along the canyon drive we encountered some fresh snow. This again made the red bluffs even more striking and spectacular. It has been about 34 years since we were last here and with each stop the memories of our first trip came back. This trip will be remembered for a long time to come. Visit www.nps.gov/brca.

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