Northern Wanderers

Dinner theatre in Beaver Creek, Yukon

Time to enjoy the scenery and watch for wildlife

Sign in theatre.
The bad news about the Rendezvous Dinner Theater is it will shut down after the 2013 season. — Photo by Lynda Pilson

We left Tok in the morning under an overcast sky. The highway wasn’t bad to travel on until we passed Tetlin Junction. Then we started to experience short chip seal sections (no dust as it was starting to rain), potholes and frost heaves. Nothing new for us; this has happened on numerous occasions during our trip. Although these conditions slowed us down, they did give us more time to enjoy the scenery and watch for wildlife.

We took a rest break at the Tetlin National Wildlife Rest Center, enjoying the interesting displays. If it hadn’t been raining the view from the porch would have been beautiful.

The trip from there to the Yukon was 32 kilometres of the worst road on our trip. Parts of it were under construction, with more potholes than we’re sure we've experienced throughout our trip up to then. 

Because of the construction and the use of pilot vehicles, when we arrived at Canada Customs we had to wait for 45 minutes to clear.

Arriving at the Westmark RV park in Beaver Creek, we set up in the rain, thankful for the chance to rest and unwind. We were looking forward to taking in the Rendezvous Dinner Theater that night.

It was a great experience, with excellent food and entertainment focused on the history of the region told via song and interspersed with humorous dialogue. Before the dinner they gave everybody the chance to revert back to their childhood, letting us toast marshmallows over an open flame and make as many s’mores as we wanted. The downside of the night was finding out this was the last time we could enjoy this great attraction, as it will close after this season.

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