Delicious Salsa Verde
Snowbird Janet Schwieger recommends this delicious and easy salsa to accompany many a meal

Janet Schwieger, owner of North Woven Broom Co. in Crawford Bay, British Columbia, and a longtime snowbird, suggested this recipe for salsa verde as a tasty and easy treat to accompany all sorts of main meals. Schwieger added that it is a perfect item to take to those potlucks so common in the RVing community.
Salsa Verde
10 fresh green tomatillos
1 or 2 fresh jalapeno chilies—use outside layer only
red cherry tomato
juice from a small lime or ½ lemon
1 tsp agave syrup or sugar
salt to taste
fresh cilantro if desired
add later: 2 green onions or some chives, finely chopped
Green tomatillos are the base for this salsa. Buy them green and firm.
In a bowl of water, rub the skins off the tomatillos and rinse them. Set them in a pot with an inch of water and a wedge of onion. Bring to a boil and turn off. Drain and add to a food processor. They should be bright green.
Add juice from a lime (or lemon), a teaspoon of agave syrup (or other sweetener) and a sprinkle of salt. Add the outer layer of a fresh jalapeno. Cut the meat and skin away from the seeds.
If you want a touch of red, add a cherry tomato. Add cilantro if desired.
Whir until mooshed. Set in a bowl, add chopped green onions or chives and let the mixture sit to meld flavours. Enjoy!