RV Cuisine

Whitefish delight

A tasty and affordable whitefish recipe that is perfect for those who are on the go.


I have always had a budget for food and take pride in sticking to it and serving tasty, pretty food that is healthy. Basa was on sale so we pulled out the various cookbooks we insist on travelling with. We bought a German cookbook on our travels some time ago and it had this recipe in it.

We added the pepper because we like colour and had some on hand. The rice was long grain and cooked covered to a boil, turned off while the fish cooked. To serve I sprinkled salted, roasted cashews and chopped parsley over the top. I am trying to cut the amount of salt I eat drastically so the only salt here is on the nuts. I used about a small handful for each serving. Toasted almonds or pine nuts would also be great.

For dessert we had half a pear and some thinly sliced extra sharp cheddar cheese.


  • Basa or other whitefish either fresh or frozen (defrosted)
  • Red pepper strips from jarred red peppers
  • Spinach either fresh or frozen
  • Butter
  • Grating cheese (we use parmesan)

The amount you use of each ingredient will depend on how many you are serving and how hungry you are.


  1. Saute spinach in butter for 10 minutes (we started with chopped, frozen, broken-up), then place the finished saute in a greased oven-proof dish and layer the towel-dried fish over it.
  2. Grate cheese on top and put into a preheated oven at 400 degrees for 30 minutes BUT check after 20 minutes as the thickness of the fish will determine how long it takes to cook.
  3. Lay a strip of red pepper over the fish or try mandarin orange slices for a change.

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