
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

LocationGatlinburg, Tennessee
PhotographerMark Mincey

"It was Halloween at the park. Mom and I had gone to watch the pumpkin carving contest. They also had a costume contest and a scarecrow making contest. We went over from the RV that morning to sit down by a cute lil fire to warm up because it was a beautiful 42 degrees that morning and all the kids from all the families were having so much fun. It was a awesome day. Just wish we had had some hot cocoa and marshmallows that morning bye the fire. But that's ok, I had my mom beside me and I was makin a memory for myself. The lady in the blue sweat suit is my mom."

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Gatlinburg, Tennessee

"While we were in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, we had a chance to see fall and the changing of the leaves. Taking this picture my mom is off to my right and my phone was powering down. I wished I had taken a picture of my mom. To see the look on her face I could tell she was some place else. That wide eyed look that you only see on a childs face,like there first day ever at Disney World. I knew she was right back as a child when she was a girl scout. All the wonderful stories she would sit down and tell us about her experiences and adventures. It was like listening to a page out of Tom Sawyer."


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"Early morning glorious moment! Near the end of our six-month winter adventure this week."
