Big things come in small packages
Little Guy is spreading its wings and making an impression on the RV industry

Little Guy Teardrop Trailers is an emerging force in the RV industry. The company specializes in lightweight, eco-friendly trailers that can be customized to suit the needs of individual travellers. Chris Baum, chief operating officer, gave us a sneak peek at this booming business and his role in its success.
How did you get started in the industry?
One of my best friends owns the company and asked me to come and work for him. I come from a pretty heavy corporate background so we tried to integrate that corporate background with a small company.
Did your background fit well with the company?
Absolutely, because our plans are to grow . . . and we have had double digit growth every year—so you have to implement a lot of corporate thought into that as you grow.
What have been your biggest challenges so far?
The biggest challenge has been exposure. We’ve sold thousands and thousands of trailers but still the biggest question people have is, “I’ve seen it on TV . . . where can I see it in person?” Also, advertising and marketing has changed substantially since we’ve been in business and so it’s (a matter of) targeting your dollars towards where you’re going to get the biggest bang for what you put out there.
What are some of the advantages of Little Guy trailers?
The biggest advantages I think are that they’re lightweight and you get a lot for the size. There are a lot of different features and benefits to each trailer that allow for a lot of different types of customers. When people ask us who our demographic is, it’s a really challenging question because it’s all over the place. (The trailers also) leave a very small footprint on the environment.
What kinds of vehicles are able to tow these units?
Anything from a motorcycle to a big truck or SUV.
Is there anything else you would like our readers to know?
I think one of the biggest things is that we’ve just opened up a facility in Europe and we’re shipping to 19 countries. That market is going to be even bigger because the roads are smaller, cars are smaller, everything is smaller and I don’t have any competition over there. The next thing is, we just reached a national agreement with KOA campgrounds. We have a huge partnership with KOA that’s going into effect this year—it’s going to be big for us. As we partner with some of these larger organizations I think it’s just going to increase the word of mouth and excitement about our company.