RV Living

Is that you in the RV?

Making the decision to go full-time is very personal

Is that you in the RV, waiting for the ferry to take you to your next adventure? — Carol Ann Quibell photo

You’re going to do what? Are you crazy?

Shock and amazement and the big question “why?” is the response many people receive after telling friends and family they’re becoming fulltime RVers. Others get congratulations for taking the plunge from people who understand, but don’t have the courage themselves.

I’ve heard from many who are absolutely ecstatic they followed their dream of becoming fulltime RVers or changed their lifestyle drastically in some way. Yes, there are some who regret their decision, but others wonder what took them so long to take that step because they absolutely love it and feel it was the best decision they could have ever made.

If it’s a dream of yours, then do it. Easy to say, but sometimes we put stumbling blocks in front of ourselves. We worry about what others will think, how much it will cost, what will happen if we get sick or what if the sky falls in. If the sky is going to fall in it won’t matter whether we are living our dreams or continuing down a path we really would prefer to not to be travelling. The sky will still fall in.

I realize it isn’t as easy as I try to make it out to be. There are always other variables to be considered. Both people in a relationship have to want to do it and agree on the way it’s going to happen. One may be willing to travel in a smaller RV just to get on the road, while another may prefer waiting a bit longer until they can afford the RV they want. Neither is right or wrong. It’s what is best for you and it’s also about compromise.  
Others just want to get started and are willing to work while travelling to pay for their expenses, while others are not comfortable with a situation where they don’t have a steady paycheck.

Another issue is downsizing and unloading all those possessions we have all collected over the years. What do we do with it? It can be so difficult to just toss everything away and also give up the security of not having a home to return to. If it makes financial sense, rent out your home, put your belongings into storage and try it for a year. You may come back at the end of that time and sell everything off or you may come back permanently. Neither is wrong. It just means you are living your life the way you choose and you are trying different things. 

Let’s face it: fulltime RVing is not for everyone. But then the world would be a very boring place if we all wanted to do the same thing all the time. Many people do not  understand the strong feeling of wanting to travel, knowing there is so much to see and do out in the world and wanting to be a part of it. They’re more comfortable in their home environment, with familiar things around them and having their friends and family nearby. 
That’s definitely okay, but there are others whose desire for adventure or exploring is just as strong. They are the ones who are willing to take the risk and start down the road in an RV, wanting the experiences of the unknown they may find around the next corner. Those people are called fulltime RVers.

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