RV News

RVwest newsletter recap: From camping gadgets to Paul McCartney’s Arizona ranch

Our October 23rd eNewsletter was full of information about balmy destinations and innovative products

arizona sunset at a restaurant
Phoenix is one of the most enchanting snowbirding destinations in Arizona. — Photo courtesy the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort

Our October 23rd newsletter was a fantastic edition, with articles on handy gadgets, holiday destinations and even a celebrity appearance.


- Photo courtesy Bruce and Kim Jackson

Cutting-edge products for RVers

Every year, manufacturers are coming out with new and improved gadgets to make your camping experience go more smoothly.

In this article, Jeff Smith goes over some of the best products he's found to make camping trips more comfortable and efficient. He covers RV mattresses, portable power, sewer hoses, trailer hitches, and a mug that comes with LED lighting.



- Photo courtesy Dennis Begin

Paul McCartney's Arizona ranch

It's not just our snowbirds who are in love with Arizona. It turns out that Paul McCartney and his first wife, Linda Eastman, had a longstanding fondness for Tucson.

In the 1970s, the couple purchased 151 acres near the Tanque Verde River in the foothills of the Rincon Mountains, northeast of Tucson. The ranch property is located south of Redington Road around Mile Two. 



-  Adam Rodriguez photo

Top snowbirding destinations in Arizona

Being that the state of Arizona is among our most popular snowbird gathering places, we decided to take a closer look at some of the communities, and highlight a few things to see and do in each one.

Enjoy botanical attractions and live music in Phoenix, culinary treats and tours in Tucson, gem shows in Quartzsite and so much more.  

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