RV News

Top 5 reasons to attend the RVDA Calgary RV Expo

This annual RV show and sale has been delighting campers for 50 years

Visitors are walking the floor at the RVDA show in Calgary, Alberta.
The Calgary expo has been running for 50 years and is still going strong. — Photo courtesy Dan Merkowsky
When: January 24 to 27, 2019
Where: Calgary, Alberta
The RVDA of Alberta has been hosting its annual Calgary RV Expo and Sale for five decades. Every year brings new features and surprises, with vendors from all aspects of the industry, prize giveaways and a wide variety of RV units to choose from.
"It's a great way to get families together," said Dan Merkowsky, vice-president of the RVDA, "and by camping together, they also support the economy as well as tourism in Alberta."
This four-day event is one of Western Canada’s largest showings of recreation vehicles, services and accessories. Here are just a few of the many reasons to attend:

1. The RV lifestyle makes sense financially

Travelling via RV is appealing to a growing number of Canadians, in part because it's a financially sound investment. This is an economical, convenient way to travel with your family, and there are RV units available to suit every budget.
Merkowsky pointed out that RVing is considerably more cost-effective than your average vacation.
"You buy an RV and make payments over a few years, but you get to have fun the whole time you're paying it off," he said, "versus (paying for) a one-week holiday and then the fun is over."

2. There will be an excellent selection of RV units

The Calgary expo boasts more than 500 RV units on display, including the latest 2019 inventory of tent trailers, travel trailers, fifth wheels, motorhomes and diesel pushers. 
"There are always new features and new floor plans every year," said Merkowsky. "The manufacturers do their best to accommodate consumer requests and to build different shapes and sizes of RV. This show also allows customers to view everything under one roof in warm, comfy conditions."

3. You can check out a variety of exhibitors

The show’s varied exhibitors will also showcase related RV services, products and tourism destinations.  
"Even if you're not buying (a new RV), you can speak to vendors about aftermarket products or places where people can park their RVs during the year," said Merkowsky.

4. You can win a prize

Attendees can enter to win a number of prizes, and the 2019 show is offering $50,000 cash that will be up for grabs. There are also smaller prizes to be won, such as gift cards, camping trips, golf outings and more. 

5. You can book your next holiday

Representatives from local parks and campgrounds will be on hand at the show, so you can take advantage of vacation deals and book your upcoming trips. Alberta Parks will have a booth, where they will be outlining their Reserve-a-Park system.
The expo will be held at the BMO Centre – Stampede Park, 1410 Olympic Way SE, Calgary, Alberta. Parking is available outside of Hall E at the Stampede Grounds, with an entrance into the show.
Visit www.rvda-alberta.org or www.gorving.ca for more information.

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