Extended family provides RV partners for this Pincher Creek couple
Getting away from the computer and phone is the goal of this fun-loving couple.

It was only natural that a love of spending time outdoors and of spending time with friends and family would be the magnet that drew Blaise Bruder and Jean Waldner together. A couple for the past two and a half years, today they’re having fun exploring new places together and getting to know each other’s friends and family through RVing.
What type of RV do you own?
We have a 1989 C-Class Okanagan motorhome that we love, because it allows us to take our boat along with us wherever we go, so that we can fish, water-ski or go tubing with the family.
What is it about RVing that you love?
We love getting away from the phones and the computers at work and at home. RVing allows us a chance to forget about it all and just relax away with our families. There’s 16 kids in total in Blaise’s family, so add in nieces and nephews and their kids and there’s never a shortage of people to go camping with. At least once a year we try to go out as a group to some place, as well as meet up with individual family members throughout the RV season.
What kind of things do you like to do when you head out?
We love to fish, go hiking and quadding, anything that lets us enjoy the outdoors. We also love to explore and tour around new towns, and of course socialize with our friends and family.
When you’re looking for new places and destinations to explore, how do you decide where to go?
We mostly get our information from talking to others about the places they’ve been or the places they themselves have heard of that they’d like to go, and base a lot of our own plans on their answers. There are a lot of RVers in this family, so they often have a lot of good suggestions.
Do you have some future destinations in mind?
Sometimes we just take off and have fun, in whatever direction we point ourselves in, but we’d also like to take a trip down the Oregon coast someday. We want to make sure that we get to see as much as possible while we’re there, so we’re just trying to find the time right now. We figure we’d need at least three weeks to do it right.
What’s your advice to people in this busy world who don’t think they have the time to go RVing?
Your kids are only young once—make sure you get out and enjoy them while they still like you! Both of us have learned the hard way that life’s too short, so every so often you just need to forget about work and make the time to get out, relax and just enjoy life.