RV Snapshots

Maritimers at Fairmont

Newfoundlanders get a sampling of B.C.'s beauty

Dwayne, Bernadette and Leah O'Quinn
Bernadette O'Quinn (centre) of St. George's, Newfoundland, enjoyed a holiday at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort with her son Dwayne and his wife, Leah. — Marie Milner photo

Dwayne and Leigh O’Quinn of Breton, Alberta, introduced Dwayne’s mother, Bernadette, to British Columbia. Bernadette lives in St. George’s, Newfoundland. We asked the O’Quinns a few questions about their holiday experience.

Why did you choose to stop here at Fairmont Hot Springs?

Leigh: We’ve been coming here for the past five years—we love it here.

Bernadette: I love it, too. It’s beautiful.

What do you love about RVing, specifically?

Leigh: I like having my own stuff around me—my own bed and my own kitchen.

Dwayne: It feels really relaxed. We are able to ignore the clock—we don’t even wear watches when we’re here.

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