RV Tech Talk

Reg replies to readers’ questions

Reg DeYoung provides answers to three questions from some of our readers



Thanks for your checklist article. I'm wondering if you can tell me what a dry lubricant is for lubricating the slide-out mechanism? Also, do you think it's a good idea to use exterior supports under the slide-out?

Thanks for your reply,


Hello Jack:

Glad you enjoyed the latest Tech Talk article. To answer your question, dry lubricants like those used for slide-outs are materials that, despite being in a solid form, are able to reduce friction between moving parts without the need of a liquid medium. The lubricant will produce a dry, waxy, protective film when sprayed. There are some great products available at your local RV parts store from suppliers like Protect-All, Thetford and Camco. When spraying these products, ensure that you have a piece of cardboard or wood above the slide rack to keep the lubricant away from the slide-out underside.

In regards to slide-out supports, they are of benefit for long-erm parking. You should use the frame-mount stabilizers as well. Barker Manufacturing, Stromberg-Carlson and Ultra Fab manufacture these units.

Thanks for your question,


We have a newer trailer set up on a lot at a lake in Alberta. We are hooked up to the trailer park’s water system. For the past two seasons we are getting a large amount of air in the hot water lines, yet our neighbours do not have this problem. Any ideas how all this air is getting into the system? 



Hello Stan:

I would like to recommend a procedure to hopefully eliminate your water system problem. Shut off the city water and only after the hot water heater has cooled down, open the pressure relief valve (brass valve with lever) on the outside area of the water heater until water stops flowing from the tank. Snap the valve shut and turn the water back on. Next, go into the RV and open the hot water faucet closest to the hot water heater and let it flow until a clear, steady stream is obtained. Operate the water heater up to temperature and check water flow. You’re welcome to let me know if the procedure is successful or not.

Thanks for your question,


When towing an SUV behind a motorhome with the Blue Ox tow hitch, does anything have to be done for braking, or just let the tow vehicle free-wheel?


In British Columbia the law states the following:

Motorhomes (only) may tow a motor vehicle via a tow bar without brakes hooked up on the towed vehicle, when the towed motor vehicle laden weight (weight of the towed vehicle and its load) is less than 2,000 kg (4,409 lbs) and less than 40 per cent of the gross vehicle weight (GVWR) rating of the motorhome towing it.          

Motor vehicles with laden weight of 2,000 kg (4,409 lbs) and over must have brakes and a breakaway device hooked up.

Thanks for your question,

Do you have a question for Reg? Contact him by email.

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