RV Tech Talk

RV 101: An introduction to the RV lifestyle

Tech Talk author Reg DeYoung will be teaching a course about RVing at College of the Rockies in Cranbrook, B.C.

Overlooking a lake to see a truck and 5th wheel, parked in a campspot.
RV 101 will help to make you feel comfortable with your new RV. — Photo courtesy Oksana Perkins/istock/thinkstock.com

For many years I have had an idea to put together a class to introduce the prospective buyer or novice owner to the benefits of RV ownership and discuss some basic topics of interest. By sharing my experience and background in the RV industry, attendees could gain more confidence and guidance to assist in a purchase and have an improved understanding of the RV systems like propane, electrical and water components to ensure an RV lifestyle that is safer, more enjoyable and less stressful.

During the past winter I approached Johnny King, Continuing Education Program Administrator at the College of the Rockies here in Cranbrook, B.C., with a course proposal and the idea quickly turned into a reality. The prerequisite of this full day course is a keen interest in RV ownership, but a seasoned RV owner may gain some additional knowledge and useful tips.

There will be a fifth wheel and a travel trailer available on site to demonstrate proper hitching procedures and setup of brake control, safety chains, breakaway switch, etc. In addition to this demonstration there will be some basic preventative maintenance tasks discussed, like proper use of sealants, protectants and cleaning products. Some campground setup tips will be discussed like levelling, slide-out operation and electrical, water and sewer hookups.

On return to the classroom, some RV accessories or upgrades will be discussed and I'll give brief descriptions of products like solar panels, electric awnings, six volt deep cycle batteries, power jacks, etc.

Another informative discussion will be offered about basic winterizing and spring shakedown procedures. These tips are important to protect your investment and prevent damage.

There will also be a question and answer session to discuss anything RV related, followed by direction to some informative RV related websites.

Handouts like checklists for getting your RV ready for a trip, checking out a used RV and other helpful tips will be provided. Some great slides will be shown to help students understand the importance of preventative maintenance on an RV.

With the help of RV West, Runners RV and Atlas Trailer Products, some great door prizes and other giveaways will be provided to students who take the class.

If you are interested in attending, you can contact the College of the Rockies at 250-489-8242 or toll free 1-877-489-2867. You can also register online at www.cotr.bc.ca/ConEd. The class will be held at the Cranbrook campus on June 7, 2014, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The cost is $59.

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