RV Tips

5 Tips for travelling with pets

Many RVers like to bring their pets when they go camping. Find out how to keep your four-legged family members happy and safe on an RV excursion.

dog wearing a life jacket
For those who like to go boating and bring their dogs along, there are canine life jackets available at Pet Smart and other pet supply stores. — Danielle Cameron photo

For some of us, a camping trip just doesn't feel right without our furry companions. Bringing along your dog, cat or other animal pal requires a bit of extra planning. Here are some things to keep in mind:

1) Find out where pets are allowed

While most campsites are pet-friendly, some tourist attractions, beaches and parks may not be (or there may be restrictions, such as leash requirements). It pays to plan ahead, rather than missing out or having to make inconvenient last-minute arrangements.

2) Make sure their vaccinations are up-to-date

In the great outdoors, your pet may run into all kinds of things - some of which might not be desirable. Fleas, ticks, and infections from other animals are always a risk. Take that worry off your plate by making annual vet visits and having your pet's vaccinations updated. Bring their health records along, too, especially if you are crossing the border.

3) Keep their temperature in mind

Protect your critters from being too hot or cold. If you're camping in cooler weather, bring along a blanket or jacket for them.

If it's hot, be sure they have plenty of shade, access to fresh water and watch them for signs of heat stroke, which include these symptoms, as listed on peteducation.com:

Signs of a heat stroke in dogs

  • Rapid panting
  • Bright red tongue
  • Red or pale gums
  • Thick, sticky saliva
  • Depression
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting - sometimes with blood
  • Diarrhea
  • Shock

Every animal is different - if your fur baby is a cat, or another non-canine species, educate yourself on the symptomology they might display in this situation. Knowing their bodies can enable you to save their lives.

It goes without saying...but never leave any pet in a hot car!

4) Add pet supplies to your packing list

When you're preparing to bring your animal, be sure you have everything they might need, including:

  • Portable food and water bowls
  • Pet food
  • Bedding/blanket 
  • Toys or other comfort item from home
  • Bags for cleaning up after them
  • Towels
  • Life jacket 
  • Pet first aid kit

5) Train your pet to enjoy travel

Helping your pet become acclimated to travel is easy if you know how. This helpful video from Sonia's Travels offers a few fantastic tips on making your animal feel at home wherever you are.


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