B.C. marks Canada 150 with cultural legacies

To mark the 150th anniversary of Canada’s Confederation, the Province is launching a funding program to celebrate B.C. communities and their contribution to Canada. The Government of British Columbia will invest $8 million in museums and heritage sites throughout the province.
British Columbia | Canada 150: Celebrating B.C. Communities and their Contributions to Canada will create meaningful legacies honouring the province’s unique and diverse histories, culture, heritage and contribution to the nation. This program offers one-time grants of up to $100,000 for:
- Developing infrastructure: Projects that develop or improve museum spaces and facilities (including historic places).
- Conserving historic places and heritage sites: Projects that preserve, rehabilitate or restore formally registered, designated or recognized historic places.
- Building lasting legacies: Projects that physically represent B.C.’s unique and diverse histories, culture and heritage, such as permanent exhibitions, monuments, public art, statues, interpretation infrastructure, plaques or signage.
- Sharing our history: Projects that promote the sharing of collections and expertise between the Royal BC Museum and the wider museum community to reveal the diverse historical narratives of British Columbia.
- Organizations with a culture or heritage mandate responsible for a museum, archive or historic place are eligible for this funding, including not-for-profits, First Nation Band Councils, Aboriginal Friendship Centres, local governments and post-secondary institutions.
As a collaborative partnership, the British Columbia Museums Association will administer the program on behalf of the Province. The deadline for applications is Feb. 10, 2017, and online applications will open at http://museumsassn.bc.ca on January 16, 2017.
Premier Christy Clark –
“2017 is a special year in our country’s history, and you only get one chance to celebrate such a milestone. Communities throughout British Columbia will honour Canada’s 150th anniversary, creating legacies to enjoy today, and for generations to come.”
Peter Fassbender, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development –
“Arts, culture and heritage are at the core of British Columbia’s cultural identity. We have a wealth of stories to contribute to Canada 150 and an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of our province. Investing in long-term cultural legacies will support our communities in sharing B.C.’s stories for generations to come.”
Erica Mattson, executive director, British Columbia Museums Association –
“Canada’s 150th anniversary provides an opportunity for B.C.’s museums, heritage sites and cultural organizations to create experiences that help us learn about and understand the diverse histories and cultures that bring us together as British Columbians and Canadians. We are thrilled to see the government investing in this important work.”
Paul Gravett, interim executive director, Heritage BC –
“The British Columbia | Canada 150 fund will have a far-reaching and lasting effect. The investment will stimulate work and creativity throughout the province, allowing B.C.’s museums, galleries, heritage and cultural organizations and related institutions to realize many of their aspirations. Our heritage and culture will be honoured today and enjoyed by future generations. Above all, we will take pride in our achievements, as we celebrate our contribution, as proud British Columbians, to the cultural fabric of Canada.”
Quick Facts:
- 2017 marks the 150th anniversary of the Confederation of Canada.
- A range of activities are planned across the country at local, regional and national levels throughout 2017 to celebrate Canada 150.
- Federal funding related to Canada 150 is supporting local, regional and national celebrations, small-scale community grants, and community infrastructure projects.
- The main themes of the Government of Canada’s vision for the 150th anniversary of Confederation are diversity and inclusion, reconciliation from nation to nation with Indigenous peoples, the environment and youth.
- In addition to British Columbia | Canada 150: Celebrating B.C. Communities and their Contributions to Canada, the Province is also marking Canada 150 by committing $2 million to the Royal BC Museum to support interested Aboriginal peoples in B.C. seeking the return of their ancestral remains and belongings of cultural significance.
- The British Columbia Museums Association is the professional association for the museum and gallery sector. It has an extensive membership across B.C. ranging from major museums, to historic and heritage sites, to independent galleries and local and city archives, as well as industry connections nationally and internationally.
Learn More:
Canada 150: http://canada.pch.gc.ca/eng/1468262573081
British Columbia Museums Association: http://museumsassn.bc.ca/