RVwest Insider

RVers want to go west

by Kimberly Shellborn

A recent survey of members conducted by Coach-Net showed that RV owners are not going to allow high fuel prices to dampen their enthusiasm for traveling this summer. 

The Coach-Net survey of 45,000 member subscribers was conducted May 21 to 28 through its monthly e-newsletter. In fact, the survey showed that more than 45 per cent of respondents indicated that they travel more than 1,000 miles when taking a trip in their RV.

And the planned destination? The respondents’ top choices were the U.S. West and Southwest, at 46.7 per cent and 41.4 per cent respectively.

“These survey results reflect the passion for travel and adventure that RV owners have,” said Matt Krzysiak, CEO of National Motor Club, parent company of the Coach-Net brand. “For many of our members, their RV is their home. Their enthusiasm for the RV lifestyle is certainly understandable, as it’s a great way to see the country and can be relatively affordable. RVing also delivers great convenience and flexibility compared to other ways to travel, so it’s no wonder that more and more families are choosing to become RV owners. We are proud to provide them with outstanding services and products that meet their RV lifestyle needs.”

The survey findings align with recent survey results announced by the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA). The RVIA survey, released last month, indicated that 71 per cent of RV owners intend to use their RVs more this spring and summer than they did last year.

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