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Senior Park Ranger/Park Ranger requirements and information

Picture of two park rangers interacting with a child.
As a BC Parks ranger you are responsible for maintaining facilities, delivering, monitoring and reporting on assigned recreation, conservation and extension services and activities. — Photo courtesy BC Parks

Relevant education and experience requirements for auxilliary positions (grids 11 and 15)

Park Ranger – (Grid 11)

Job Posting: Park Ranger – Seasonal

Undergraduate degree or technical diploma in Natural Resource Management, Outdoor Recreation Management or related field (related field may include: Biology, Geology, Geography, Resource Management, Recreational Planning, Outdoor Recreation, Forestry, Fisheries, etc.); or,

Completed first year (minimum) related degree or diploma (as above); and 6 months related experience (related experience can include: Park system (operations), conservation, outdoor recreation, forestry, any earth sciences, recreation planning, public safety / enforcement etc.); or,

Have secondary school graduation or equivalent and two years related experience.

Senior Park Ranger (Grid 15)

Job Posting: Senior Park Ranger – Seasonal

Undergraduate degree in Natural Resource Management, Outdoor Recreation or related field (related field may include: Biology, Geology, Geography, Resource Management, Recreational Planning, Outdoor Recreation, Forestry, Fisheries, etc.) and 1 year related experience (related experience can include: Park system (operations), conservation, outdoor recreation, forestry, any earth sciences, recreation planning, public safety / enforcement etc.); or

Technical diploma in Natural Resource Management, Outdoor Recreation or related field and a minimum of three years related experience; or

Grade 12 and a minimum of five years related experience.

Related Skills and Experience

  • Public relations and communication
  • Safety and enforcement
  • Resource management
  • Contract and permit administration
  • Backcountry and marine
  • Facility management
  • Equipment operation and maintenance
  • Leadership and teamwork


If you wish to be considered, you must have the following certifications at the date of hiring:

  • Candidates are required to possess a valid Class 5 Drivers Licence;
  • WCB recognized Occupational First Aid Level 1, 2, or 3 (Applicants are responsible to ensure their certificate is recognized by WCB);

Public Safety/Park Security Training (Parts 1 & 2) offered through BC Institute of Technology. These courses are referred to as Law and its Administration #3110 and #3120. If not already obtained, candidates must be enrolled in these courses at the time of applying and provide proof of completion prior to an employment offer being made. For course information, refer to:

Additional qualifications may be required for some regions:

  • Valid Possession and Acquisition Licence/CORE
  • MED-A3/A4 Boating certificates

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