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Yukon Gov’t discussion paper ponders more RV stalls

Couple enjoying camping.
Commercial RV stalls may be a consideration in the Yukon, according to an article in the Whitehorse Daily Star newspaper. — Photo courtesy Yukon Government Parks

According to an article in the Whitehorse Daily Star, the Yukon government is considering whether it should build commercial RV stalls, at the risk of competing with the private RV sector – based on discussion paper obtained by the official opposition NDP.

The plans include re-designating existing campground sites as commercial RV stalls, and adding commercial stalls onto existing campground facilities. Also under consideration is whether the Yukon government with be partnering with First Nations to develop new RV parks on existing public land or aboriginal settlement land, says the discussion paper. The paper also speaks of purchasing private land for the development of additional RV parks, to be leased out and managed by a private operator. It points out that all options run the risk of being viewed as the Yukon government going into competition with the commercial RV sector.

According the newspaper report, the discussion paper stated: “The limited capacity of some existing campgrounds within two or three hours of Whitehorse has created some difficulties for Yukoners to find RV spaces….(it) sets out a number of lease/licence options which potentially increase RV capacity and provide opportunities for individuals to leave their RVs onsite for extended periods.”

Options set out in the paper include:

  • Re-designating existing campground sites in underutilized campgrounds as commercial RV stalls available under a lease or licence.
  • Adding on commercial RV stalls to the busier campgrounds closer to Whitehorse which would take advantage of existing campground infrastructure such as roads and reduce development costs.
  • Partnering with First Nations to build RV parks on existing government land or settlement land, resulting in a stronger relationship with First Nations and more economic opportunities.
  • Yukon government could purchase private land or it could tender out existing government land specifically for the development of an RV park, says the discussion paper.
  • All options and associated costs would be influenced by several factors, including the level of service provided to the new stalls, whether there would be power provided, stations for emptying RV tanks and so on.

One major concern that the discussion paper indicated was that any government involvement in the development of more commercial RV stalls could be seen as government competing with the private RV sector.

Source: Whitehorse Daily Star

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