Hikes near Salome, Arizona
With its fascinating desert scenery, the territory around Salome, Arizona, is well worth exploring

Snowbirds flock each year to Arizona, due to its pleasantly warm climate and ample sights to see. Hiking is one of the preferred activities here, as it allows guests to get up close and personal with the local flora and fauna.
Alamo Lake State Park should be first on your list when RVing in Salome. The park offers 24/7 campsite reservation services, so you can be sure to get a spot (with a $5 reservation fee).
A walk through this area promises mountainous terrain, where you can see wildflowers, cacti and other desert life. The ecosystem fosters a bountiful population of wildlife, with wild burros, mule deer, waterfowl, coyotes and foxes, to list a few. You might even catch a glimpse of a bald or golden eagle during your hike.
If you get the urge to reel in a big one, you might want to stop along the way and go fishing at the lake. This is known for being one of the best spots for bass fishing, although other species may also be caught here.
Another attraction in the area that hikers love is Harquahala Mountain. Boasting the highest summit in La Paz, the mountain also has some unforgettable hiking trails.
To access the trailhead from Salome, turn right onto Highway 60 and look for the dirt road leading to the access point (it can be found between mileposts 70 and 71). It can be difficult to see at first, but SummitPost.org gave a hint that travellers should look for the single palm tree on the north side of the highway. Turn south onto this dirt road and it will take you through a gate. Stick to the right as you first go through, then take left turns at each fork in the road, and in another three and a half kilometres you should reach the end of the road, and the trailhead. Be aware that this is a high-clearance road.