Isolated but never lonely in Roy Lake State Park
Bob Pruitt works as a volunteer camp host year-round at Roy Lake State Park in South Dakota.
Bob Pruitt works as a volunteer camp host year-round at Roy Lake State Park in South Dakota.
Since the 1960s, Winston Foster has creatively suited his RVs to his family's needs and lifestyle.
With annual trips to B.C. and memorable snowbirding in the southern U.S., this retired couple from Alberta knows how to live the good life on wheels.
The Wilsons took their first big trip in their fifth wheel this year, with the destination of Palm Springs. They had many stops along the way.
Barb and Earle Robertson spend much of the year travelling.
With two sons living and going to school in Saskatoon, Gerilee and David Kermack return to Saskatchewan at least twice a year.
Meet Frances and Doug Paskal, owners of Daisy May Campground and RV Park in Fort Macleod, Alberta.
Rick and Linda Rumberger stopped and played golf in Candle Lake, Saskatchewan, and the following year they returned to buy the property.
Scottie's RV Park and Campground in Creston, B.C., offers a clean, beautiful environment. Meet owners Debbie Laing and Morgan Moyer.
“RV Life is in our hearts,” said Carol McDowalll, who with her husband Don has been RVing for over 22 years.
Teri and John Vallevand have big plans for after he retires. Meanwhile they spend every day of vacation time in their Class C motorhome.
Ken and Brenda Williams like to take their time while travelling, exploring secondary highways and meeting the locals.
This is an opportunity for you to share your RVing photos and win a prize.
Carla Rogoza, her husband Brian and their four-year-old daughter Talia spent a week travelling from their home near Smoky Lake, Alberta, over the Icefields Parkway and down to Fairmont Hot Springs.
The Mykytiuk family have been going to Mount Fernie Provincial Park for 17 years.
Bill and Shauna Campbell began their lives as the owners and operators of Besant Campground near Mortlach, Saskatchewan, 23 years ago, and haven’t looked back since.