RV Snapshots

This Manitoba RVer loves the options close to home

Laurie Oughton of Stonewall, Manitoba, said the RV lifestyle is addictive

Photo of Laurie Oughton sitting on the rocks in front of a lake.
Laurie Oughton rocks out at Spruce Sands. — Photo courtesy Laurie Oughton

Laurie Oughton is an RVer from Stonewall, Manitoba, who said she spends her entire summer exploring her home province with her husband in their fifth wheel. She took some time recently to answer a few questions about her RVing experiences.

Tell me about your RV: what unit do you currently have and what do you like about it?

Manitoba is known for its incredible summers, breathtaking beaches and beautiful campgrounds. That’s why in 2007 we decided to take our passion for camping another step up—so we bought a 32-foot Pilgrim fifth wheel. We were drawn to a particular model that had a rear guest bedroom and bathroom.

How much of the year do you spend RVing?

My husband and I spend our entire summer RVing across Manitoba. 

Why do you love the RV lifestyle?

The RV lifestyle is unique and addictive! Some of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet are in campgrounds. Exploring new places helps us to appreciate the beauty of our province. There are no words to describe the feelings that stir deep within you when you stroll down the beach to bask in the warmth of the early morning sun or when you watch the splendour of a sunset.

Where are your favourite places to travel in your home province?

We are always drawn back to our favourite campgrounds: Falcon Lake, Winnipeg Beach, Cherry Hill and Spruce Sands. We rate these campgrounds based on cleanliness, friendliness, size of the campsite, extra-curricular activities and, most importantly, beaches!

Do you have a favourite snowbirding destination?

Since neither of us are retired, we haven’t had the opportunity to head south in our RV for the winter. However, you can be guaranteed that we have already begun to plan for this next milestone in our lives.

What has been your most memorable experience as RVers?

Every trip we take becomes a journey to remember, but perhaps our most memorable was our grandson’s first RV trip with us. It was his very first camping experience and now he’s hooked for life! In the winter, he counts down the days until we take him again.

What advice would you have for someone who is interested in RVing?

If I were to offer any advice for those people toying with the idea of buying an RV, I would tell them to just grab the bull by the horns and do it! The only regret they’ll ever have is not doing it sooner!

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