Trip planner: Everything you need to know before RVing or camping in Chicken, AK
Check out the RVing opportunities in Chicken, Alaska
Chicken is an eccentric, fun-loving little community that was founded by gold miners; and it still serves as the outpost for the 40 Mile mining district. RVers with a desire to learn about northern history and enjoy warm hospitality will enjoy stopping to visit this town, relaxing at a campground and learning about Chicken's gold rush background. The highway through town is open from spring to early fall. Scroll down on our Chicken landing page for extensive information on tourist attractions, visitor information, sani-dumps, RV dealers, campsites and more.

It may be tiny, but the town of Chicken, Alaska, is quite capable of luring visitors in with its quirky charm and historic attractions. If you’re wondering what do see and do, here are some suggestions:
The Pedro Dredge
The Pedro Dredge is a National Historic Site in Chicken. Originally owned by the Fairbanks Exploration Company, the Pedro Dredge operated in Fairbanks for several years before it was shipped to its present location on lower Chicken Creek. In the eight years that it worked on Chicken Creek, the million-pound dredge mined more than 55,000 ounces of gold, which would equal approximately $75 million today.
Tours of the Pedro Dredge are offered daily (throughout the summer months) and they begin at the Chicken Gold Camp & Outpost. (Read more about the Pedro Dredge and what you can see and do in Chicken.)
Outdoor activities in Chicken, Alaska
With miles and miles of backcountry, Chicken is a nature lover’s paradise. Why not enjoy the great outdoors while panning for gold?
Gold was the reason why the town of Chicken sprung up along the banks of Chicken Creek in 1886. One hundred and twenty-nine years later, there is still a great deal of the shiny stuff to be found in the area. Recreational gold panning has become a popular activity, and visitors to Chicken can find all the tools and help they will need to strike it rich by talking to prospectors Mike and Lou Busby at the Chicken Gold Camp & Outpost. (Read more about recreational gold mining in Chicken).
Festivals in Chicken, Alaska
The Chickenstock Music Festival is a highly anticipated event that usually takes place in mid-June. It features bluegrass musicians from across the state and even some from the Lower 48, as well as characters in crazy costumes, jam sessions and, of course, the chicken dance. For more information, visit the Facebook page.