RV Meanderings

On our way

Heading out for an RV excursion to remember

RV in a campsite
Cavan Lake Campground is a pleasant place to relax. — Dwayne Brandly photo

Well, here we go, leaving on our trip to meander through the midwest U.S.A. My wife Betty and I have no definite destination. We hope to just pick up a brochure and go to the next interesting spot. After leaving Leduc, Alberta at 8:35 a.m. August 17, we travelled to Medicine Hat and stopped at the tourist information centre where we learned of a small relatively unknown campground called Cavan Lake Campground. It is very well maintained with power sites only about 20 kilometres east of Medicine Hat. For information call 403-789-1788. There is a small playground and a pothole lake stocked with trout for the angler. What beautiful drive from Medicine Hat to Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park.

Driving across the flat treeless prairie we wouldn’t have thought such a place existed. Down a hill and around a
corner, and suddenly we were surrounded by steep hills, lots of pine trees and a large lake. The townsite of Elkwater has a nice beach and boat launch and good fishing. At the visitor information centre we were given great information about the park and a geocaching location map; lots to see. From the lookout at Horseshoe Canyon the view is magnificent. You can see almost 100 kilometres to the Sweetgrass Hills. At 1440 metres, the Head of the Mountain viewpoint is the highest point in Canada between the Rockies and Labrador.

We drove through the park on what looked like unused dirt roads to Fort Walsh, Saskatchewan. This was the North West Mounted Police post that was established to curb the whiskey trade coming into Canada from Fort Benton, Montana. This historic site is well worth seeing and can be easily accessed on a paved road from Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. A guided tour takes you through the restored fort where you will learn the history of settlement in this part of the country. On the way home we were surprised to discover the beautiful Cypress Hills Winery just south of Maple Creek. After a wine tasting and a walk in the vineyard we made our purchase and headed home after another wonderful day.

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