RV Meanderings

Touring some top-notch attractions


By Friday you simply could not move or drive in Deadwood. We chose to drive to the Devil’s Tower located just out of Hulett, Wyoming. Along the way we passed through Aladdin, population: 15; Alva, population: 50; Hulett, population: 373 and Beulah, population 75. Each one of these towns has a varied history and a bar.

The Devil’s Tower is a massive rock, protruding 876 feet straight up above the ground. The sides are made of rock columns that look like bear claw marks. As you can imagine there are many native legends surrounding this spectacle.

Next we spent two days driving through the Black Hills. We went to the Wind Caves, Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial. Each of these sights are well worth seeing and are unforgettable. On our trips we took as many of the back roads as possible, to explore the hills and the beauty.

The scenery we encountered was spectacular and made the slow, windy drive well worthwhile. If you get the chance to visit this area I recommend leaving your RV at a campground and taking day trips. The many small interesting towns and beautiful scenery is worth it.

The roads have many hills and winding curves. Check out this website for more information and a 3D virtual tour of Mount Rushmore, a structure that was completed 70 years ago. The Crazy Horse Memorial was started in June, 1948 and is being financed entirely by donations and gate admissions. Both attractions have a nightly laser light show that is worth staying for.

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