RV Snapshots

Always new

Shawna and Sean Rollins find that the thrill of experiencing something new and different makes RVing fun

Couple stands with their German shepherd beside their motorhome.
Shawna and Sean Rollins enjoy the constant changes that RVing provides. — Marie Milner photo

Who: Shawna & Sean Rollins from Calgary, Alberta

Where: Canyon RV Resort at Radium Hot Springs, B.C.

What brings you to this RV park? It’s convenient for us, being from Calgary, and it’s a beautiful spot. We love how quiet it is, and it’s only seconds off the highway.

What’s the best thing about RVing? It’s that you never know what you’re going to get until you get there—it’s always something different. You always have new neighbours, it’s always exciting and you can’t really plan ahead for it. That, and spending more time with the family. We do more of that when we’re on the road together than we do just in our everyday life.

What’s your favourite food when you’re RVing? Anything I can barbecue!

Is there a downside to RVing? No. I enjoy it too much to complain about little things. That’s what my everyday life is for.

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