Finally free on the southern California freeways
Ed Boothman heads to San Diego in his motorhome

Gail and I were heading over to Interstate 5 and San Diego, while our friends were continuing on down the 101 to catch a few other places they wanted to see. We left together and found ourselves on a rush hour six-lane freeway. As they exited the freeway, Gail and John found a large highway transport truck dangerously close to them. The driver was busy talking on his cell phone as the mirror on their motorhome was being ripped off. The driver suddenly saw what was going on, but it was too late for the mirror. Of course there was no place to stop, so Gail was on mirror duty until they could replace it.
It was sure great to be on the I-5 and out of the rain. Driving this four-lane highway with no hills or curves was the first time on the trip where I could just sit back and enjoy the drive. Gail was even talking to me again after a few hours. After one overnight at a truck stop, our next stop was just past Los Angeles. Finding a place to park the motorhome for the night was not easy. Every RV park was full and we ended up at one that wanted $100 a night. It was very old, with small parking stalls, but we had no choice.
The next morning we continued our trip to San Diego, enjoying the straight highway and some really unique scenery. The San Diego RV park we ended up in gave us less than roomy stalls, but they were adequate. Gail and I spent the next few days hitting some of the tourist spots and soon John and Gail joined us again.
One of my neighbours in the RV park told me of a bug problem he was having with one of the trees near my motorhome. He said he had sprayed it and things should be okay. The next day I was checking my sewer hook-ups and noticed my fresh water hose was alive with bugs. I followed it up to the motorhome and found them all over the outside plumbing. I made a panicked trip to the local garden shop for some bug spray. That did the job, but for the next several months we would find a few ants in the motorhome from time to time.
Soon it would be time to leave for Arizona.
But that is my next story.